I started this blog shortly after I got married and a result of not finding enough wedding style and fashion inspiration. Sure, in pictures everything looks perfect and pretty but I wanted to find something that was realistic and true to real life and that is what I try to convey in this blog.
There are a few elements to note on my blog, of which I am very proud and they are:
- my bridal glossary, which is dedicated to defining the different wedding dress terminology and style elements.
- my look-a-likes for less and look-a-likes for less maids style features, where I showcase a red carpet or designer look and show where I have found a similar or "knock off" look that features similar elements at a lower price point.
- I am also starting to concentrate more on talking about body types by taking red carpet examples, identifying different body types and challenges as well as detailing flattering elements so that women of all sizes and shapes can learn to find flattering elements in formal, evening, and wedding wear that suits them.
I'm very proud of how far WhimsyBride has come in 2011 and I only hope to improve in 2012.
Thanks for visiting!
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